We have a selection of peer review papers. These papers from John Rhodes and Luis Ferrandez include scientific articles, case reports, and studies comparing different tools, materials, and methods used in endodontic treatment.
Micro-computed Tomography- a new tool for experimental endodontology
JS Rhodes, TR Pitt Ford, JA Lynch, PJ Liepins, RV Curtis (1999)
International Endodontic Journal 32 165-70
A comparison of the efficacy of four methods of gutta-percha removal JJ Ferreria, JS Rhodes, TR Pitt Ford (1999)
International Endodontic Journal 34(4):267-74]
A comparison of two nickel-titanium instrumentation techniques in teeth using microcomputed tomography.
Rhodes JS, Ford TR, Lynch JA, Liepins PJ, Curtis RV (2000)
International Endodontic Journal 33(3):279-85
A case of unusual anatomy: a mandibular second premolar with four canals.
Rhodes JS (2001)
International Endodontic Journal 34(8):645-8
Root canal retreatment: I. Case assessment and treatment planning.
Ford TR, Rhodes JS (2004)
Dental Update 31(1):34-9
Root canal retreatment: 2. Practical solutions.
Ford TR, Rhodes JS (2004)
Dental Update 31(2):97-102
A practical guide to endodontic access cavity preparation in molar teeth
S. Patel & J. Rhodes (2007)
British Dental Journal 203, 133 – 140
Endodontic Surgery
Chong BS, Rhodes JS (2014)
British Dental Journal, 216: 281-90–
Ferrández, L.M., Ng, YL., Rhodes, J.S. et al. Radiographic periapical healing associated with root-treated teeth accessed through existing crowns: a historical controlled cohort study.
Clin Oral Invest 25, 5807–5814 (2021).