John Rhodes
John qualified from King’s College, London, in 1990, where he was awarded the Claudius Ash prize in Conservation and the Jose Souyave Endodontic prize. He continued his postgraduate education at Guy’s Hospital, London, where he achieved a Distinction in the Endodontic MSc.
John completed his specialist training at The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh with MRD in Endodontics and was awarded Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Edinburgh in 2013. John is registered on the GDC specialist list in Endodontics and now runs The Endodontic Practice, a busy Endodontic referral practice in Poole, Dorset.
John lectures throughout the UK and contributes widely to postgraduate Endodontic teaching. He has published research papers in several refereed journals and numerous articles for dental press. He is co-author of the Endodontic textbook Endodontics: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice, author of Advanced Endodontics: Re-treatment and Surgery and contributing author in Harty’s Endodontics in Clinical Practice.
John is a referee for the International Endodontic Journal and ENDO (Endodontic Practice Today). He provides Endodontic content for dentists worldwide via his YouTube channel and runs the Dorset Endo Study Group from the practice.