Why should I see a specialist endodontist?

Many general dentists are able to carry out root canal treatment, but are not specialists in the field and may struggle with complex or unusual cases.

Endodontists have undergone further advanced training to become experts in saving teeth through root canal treatment, able to draw on their skills and experience to gain successful outcomes in both routine and difficult procedures. At our specialist Endodontic practice, we use the latest advanced technology and techniques to give you the most positive and precise results possible.

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What does root canal treatment involve?

Initially, we use our advanced digital technology to examine your teeth, checking the root canals in the affected tooth and making sure the infection has not spread to the surrounding jaw bone or other areas in your mouth. Our CBCT machine ensures precision and accuracy in even the more complex cases.

We use local anaesthetic to minimise your discomfort during treatment, and make sure your tooth and the surrounding area is completely numb before proceeding. The anaesthetic is very effective and safe and takes just a short time to work.

The infected pulp is gently removed from the tooth. We carefully clean and shape the root canals, using tiny instruments and a microscope to ensure a highly controlled, safe and accurate process.

We fill the freshly cleaned root canals with a rubber material to seal the tooth and prevent bacteria from re-entering. If necessary, a crown can be fitted to help protect your tooth from fracture and restore full shape and function.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Root canal treatment has quite an unfair reputation for being very painful, but many patients find it is not nearly as bad as they expected. We use local anaesthetic to minimise your discomfort during treatment, and it should feel no more uncomfortable than having a normal filling. Often, the relief patients feel when they are no longer in pain from an infected tooth is definitely worth it!

  • Include your root treated tooth in your normal daily oral hygiene routines. It is best to treat it just like your other teeth, brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting your dentist for regular appointments so they can keep an eye out for any problems. If looked after properly, your tooth should stay trouble free following root canal treatment, and provide a long lasting repair.

  • Root canal treatment has a high success rate, and is very effective, but can occasionally fail. A tooth fracture, new decay or infection occurring, or the crown covering your tooth becoming loose or damaged can all cause failure. If you feel pain, discomfort or sensitivity in your treated tooth, tenderness when biting or gum swelling, please contact your dentist. A retreatment procedure will likely need to be done and your dentist may need to refer you back to our care for this.

  • If your tooth is causing you pain, it is preferable to have root canal treatment than remove it altogether. Retaining your natural teeth is our main goal, as further issues could arise from extraction, including a lack of support for your facial structure and remaining teeth, and the costs involved in an aesthetic replacement. Root canal treatment has quicker recovery times, excellent success rates and, vitally, allows you to retain your natural tooth.

Refer your patient with confidence

Simply complete our online referral form or, if you prefer, download and post your referral to us. Please contact us if you wish to discuss a potential referral by telephone or email.

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The Endodontic Practice
15 Penn Hill Avenue, Parkstone,
Dorset, BH14 9LU
  • Opening Hours:
  • Mon to Fri: 8:30am – 5:15pm
  • Closed for lunch between 1:00pm & 1:45pm